When I traveled to India alone in 2014, I got up at 4:30 every day. I went daily to the yoga morning practice on the mountain of self-knowledge, it is called Arunachala and is located in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, 150 km away from Chennai. One day, a butterfly landed on my left shoulder during my meditation in which I had asked a question that was important to me. From that day on, this wonderful, graceful, strong and at the same time so graceful, gentle, light animal met me quite regularly. I was inspired by its life path of transformation and development and chose my life motto and my company logo which carries and embodies this message of permanent change:
"It's the end," said the caterpillar. "It's just the beginning," replied the butterfly.
This life motto sustains me, motivates me and gives me hope in every situation in life. Life, our bodies, every being and nature itself, which we all are, are subject to constant processes of change. It is up to us to accept this regular change and the renewal that comes with it, or to resist it and put up resistance to something that is happening anyway - whether we like it or not. Everything in life is a decision and depending on what we decide in favour of, i.e. the flow with change or the resistance and holding back, we will find our lives gentle and easy or difficult and arduous. All these daily decisions in favour of or against something also manifest themselves in their effect on our body and mind and create our personal and individual perception of "reality".
In this sense, we can change the world and start right away with ourselves, as Astrid Lindgren expressed it so beautifully.
All love and namasté,
Thesis topic: Gender Mainstreaming in Physiotherapy
Thesis topic: Gender competence in osteopathy
Gender competence in medicine and osteopathy